Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: Always be ready for a curve ball

Most  people don't start their New Year's resolutions until January 2. I'm assuming it's because they are recovering from the night before and don't want to start something new feeling like crap. I totally understand that. I, on the other hand, wanted to start January 1 because I knew I would not be doing anything the night before. Well, the kiddos did not have a good night, which resulted in me not being conscious of what I was eating. Poor Elisabeth had to be taken to urgent care because she had a horrible cough and could hardly breathe. The diagnosis was croup and a double ear infection. While my eating wasn't really on track I did go to an exercise class called "Ripped", which kicked my butt, and I went to the grocery store to stock up on good food for the rest of the week. At least I accomplished two good things!!!! Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be back at work where I can keep better tabs on my eating.  I'm taking this a day at a time. That's all I can do and some days will certainly be better than others.  Until tomorrow!

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